19-23 May 2014 Lyon (France)

Homepage of the colloquium

 Notes of lessons and talks are now available



The colloquium "Inter'Actions 2014" will be held in Lyon, at Institut Camille Jordan, from May 19th to May 23th. This meeting is dedicated to young researchers to promote their research and help interactions between all areas of research. This conference is part of the "Fédération Rhône-Alpes Auvergne", and should strenghen links between all the laboratories of the Rhône-Alpes area.


It is the second event of this type, after the same one last year, held in Clermont-Ferrand.


All the participants are invited to give a talk about their work, and should choose a course among three proposed. The talks should be 25 minutes long and 5 minutes of questions will follow.


Cours transversaux


Claire Chainais-Hillairet (Université Lille 1):

Méthodes numériques en ingénierie et physique


Nicolas Curien (Université Paris Diderot):

Limites locales de graphes aléatoires


Jean Lécureux (Université Paris-Sud) :



Conférenciers invités


Vincent Borrelli (Université Lyon 1)


Anne-Laure Fougères (Université Lyon 1)


Comité scientifique


Sylvie Benzoni (Université Lyon 1),    Didier Bresch (Université de Savoie)


Stéphane Gaussent (Université Jean Monnet),    Grégory Miermont (ENS de Lyon)


This conference is funded by the "laboratoire d'excellence" MILYON, an initiative of the french ministry of research, and by the CNRS , Ecole Doctorale Infomaths, the ICJ, the Université Lyon 1, the UMPA and the Ecole Centrale Lyon.



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ED Infomaths                  ICJ     

Fédération Rhône-Alpes Auvergne LabEx MiLyon                           Logo RA     Lyon  


This conference is under the sponsorship of the following scientific societies :


Comité d'organisation: 

Ivan Bardet (ICJ, UCBL), Emeric Bouin (UMPA, ENS de Lyon), Nohra Hage (ICJ, UJM), Marine Jacquier (ICJ, UCBL - INRIA), Kevin Langlois (IF, UJF), Bérénice Oger (ICJ, UCBL), Vincent Runge (ICJ, Centrale Lyon) et Rudy Rodsphon (ICJ, UCBL).


Webmasters : Emeric Bouin (UMPA) & Bérénice Oger (ICJ)

Online user: 2